CmPS 2e5 2008 - Ferrets
;& we hope
Tuesday 8 July 2008

The weeks i've spent with Kas have taught me a lot.
I have learnt to be more patient with children,
and also,
learnt that although some kids are 'different',
they can always bring you a different kind of happiness in life.

I continue going to class happy,
because i know i will always see this flower that brightens up my day
with her little actions that she is oblivious to
that can indeed inspire someone like me to believe in myself and strive for success.

Just like the way Kas has.
She has succeeded in bringing joy to everyone around her,
and impacted us on what life really means.

It's about Living it to the Fullest.

;& we hope

Kas is so fascinated by the camera.
She loved it when she saw motion on the LCD screen.

;& we hope

Kas has a fascination with electronics.
Especially videos.
This is a video that she explores with the LCD screen of the camera.
She puts her hand in and out of the range of the lens.

It's just brings you joy when you see her.

;& we hope

Kas took this video on her own.
It was her first time she had taken this video.
a little plain, but she had fun!
& so did I!

Enjoy! (:

;& we hope

This is the super cool clay model she made.
It's Nick form her storybook! ;]

In her little playhouse. (:

That's our super cool teacher! :D

;& we hope

One day,
i was using my camera during class.
Kas has an inquisitive mind, just like everyone else,
so she just sat there,
looking into the LCD screen of my camera.

Through those little brown eyes,
I recalled seeing just that burning passion in her eyes.
Eyes that shown so much interest in motion pictures.

Then, i let her try out my camera,
she took a few photos and a video.
Let's take a look.

;& we hope

Kas can be uncooperative at times too.
sometimes, she will shut everyone out,
including the teacher, Mr Garie Sim.
or more commonly known as Uncle Garie to all of us.

she would be too stubborn and nothing would be done,
that would disappoint most of us.
But when she ever did cooperate,
everyone would be relieved.

;& we hope
Saturday 5 July 2008

Sundays were never the same again.
Kas was an innocent, sweet child.
She was exceptionally quiet,
and sometimes uncooperative,
but that's why everyone loves her.

Her stubborn nature sure collided with her adorable face,
but she was one with great imagination and loved to tell stories to all her 'imaginary friends'.
That was this small and thin 4 year-old child.
She was just a tiny flower waiting for her turn to blossom.

;& we hope
Thursday 3 July 2008

Kas looked like any normal kid.
When i first met her,
I didn't realise she was autistic.
She just seemed like those kids who didn't feel like opening up just yet.

However, her behaviour was different from other kids.
Very different from even the quieter ones.
She tended to play by herself and not socialise with eveyone else.

She had imaginary friend who seemed really real to her.
And when she spoke,
she had speech difficulties.
She couldn't pronounce as well as children her age.

After researching,
I finally found out she was autistic.
But that is not going to stop me from making friends with her.
After meeting her,
my life took a 180 degrees turn around.

This is a story about a girl,
who taught me so many amazing things.
Kas, you are the treasure in everyone's eyes. (:
& this blog is for you.
Inspiration DancingSheep
Resources 1 2 3 4


Other CmPS blog

July 2008